How To Recognise Your Childhood Trauma (Heal Yourself Series 6)

Childhood trauma in adults refers to the long-term psychological, emotional, and sometimes physical effects that result from experiencing traumatic events during childhood. These events can include abuse (physical, emotional, or sexual), neglect, domestic violence, serious accidents, natural disasters, or witnessing violence. The impact of childhood trauma on adults can manifest in various ways, including: MentalContinue reading “How To Recognise Your Childhood Trauma (Heal Yourself Series 6)”

How to know when a situation or relationship is not for you (Heal Yourself Series 5)

If a situation or relationship is pulling you down, you might notice signs like feeling constantly stressed, drained of energy, or experiencing a lack of joy and motivation. Pay attention to how you feel around certain people or in certain circumstances. If it consistently brings negative emotions or impacts your well-being negatively, it might beContinue reading “How to know when a situation or relationship is not for you (Heal Yourself Series 5)”

Heal Yourself Series (4) Cultivating Happiness Amidst Chaos

Being happy amidst chaos is necessary in life as Happiness acts as a buffer against stress and adversity, helping you bounce back from challenges more effectively. When you’re happy, you’re better equipped to cope with the chaos and uncertainty of life. Happiness contributes to overall emotional well-being and mental health. It reduces the risk ofContinue reading “Heal Yourself Series (4) Cultivating Happiness Amidst Chaos”

Heal Yourself Series (3) How Not To Feel Like A FailureĀ  And Build Yourself Towards The Path Of Success

Feeling like a failure can be incredibly tough. Feeling like a failure can be deeply distressing. It can feel like you’re stuck in a rut, unable to move forward or make progress. You might question your abilities, your decisions, and your worth. It can lead to feelings of shame, disappointment, and even depression. However, it’sContinue reading “Heal Yourself Series (3) How Not To Feel Like A FailureĀ  And Build Yourself Towards The Path Of Success”

Heal Yourself Series (2) Dealing With Toxic People In Life According To Lord Krishna’s Teachings In Bhagavat Gita

Toxic people can vary, but they often exhibit behaviors like manipulation, negativity, or disrespect towards others. They can drain your energy and impact your well-being. It’s important to recognize these behaviors and set boundaries to protect yourself. Here are some common traits of toxic people. Manipulation They often use manipulation tactics to control others orContinue reading “Heal Yourself Series (2) Dealing With Toxic People In Life According To Lord Krishna’s Teachings In Bhagavat Gita”

Heal Yourself Series (1) Emotional Loss And How Can We Deal With It According To Lord Krishna’s Teachings in Bhagavat Gita

Emotional loss refers to the deep sense of grief and sadness that accompanies the absence or separation from someone or something that held significant emotional value in our lives. It’s not just about losing a person; it can also pertain to losing a relationship, a pet, a job, or even a cherished dream or hope.Continue reading “Heal Yourself Series (1) Emotional Loss And How Can We Deal With It According To Lord Krishna’s Teachings in Bhagavat Gita”

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