How To Recognise Your Childhood Trauma (Heal Yourself Series 6)

Childhood trauma in adults refers to the long-term psychological, emotional, and sometimes physical effects that result from experiencing traumatic events during childhood. These events can include abuse (physical, emotional, or sexual), neglect, domestic violence, serious accidents, natural disasters, or witnessing violence. The impact of childhood trauma on adults can manifest in various ways, including: MentalContinue reading “How To Recognise Your Childhood Trauma (Heal Yourself Series 6)”

How to know when a situation or relationship is not for you (Heal Yourself Series 5)

If a situation or relationship is pulling you down, you might notice signs like feeling constantly stressed, drained of energy, or experiencing a lack of joy and motivation. Pay attention to how you feel around certain people or in certain circumstances. If it consistently brings negative emotions or impacts your well-being negatively, it might beContinue reading “How to know when a situation or relationship is not for you (Heal Yourself Series 5)”

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